Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Warning: Inappropriate language


Well, it’s been a while and unfortunately I have NOT been writing. Why you might ask? Well, I have been too busy sleeping. It’s quite sad and lame, I know. Does it surprise you? Probably not! I have the sleeping reputation while Amanda has the drinking reputation. All is good!

So what has happened? In short, went to Zanzibar and it was a total disaster. We plan on going back for my birthday with the Swede boys and maybe a few others. Should be interesting since they all want me to drink…

Took out my hair and it wasn’t easy. I think it took longer to take out than to put in. I started the Friday in Zanzibar and finished on the following Wednesday night I believe. My head was tender and sore, not to mention the amount of hair I lost! Kathy and Dana would be livid, I already know!

The two best things we saw in Zanzibar—a shark getting butchered (All I could think about was Maddy and how he would be in HEAVEN and then I could hear his little voice telling the men 101 things about ALL the sharks in the Ocean and in particular that shark, what it eats, where it lives, how much it’s maximum weight is, etc. It made me far too sad to say the least. I miss the little man! I mean, I was still finding his toys, shoes, and clothes in my apartment before I left. Sigh.) and our tour guide eating pizza. Most Tanzanians have never had pizza and the sight of seeing them try to eat it, it’s pretty flippin priceless!

Halloween in Africa was interesting. Amanda and I spent the afternoon trying to get my package from Crystal, which turned into a rather larger adventure. We took a dala dala to posta, but when we got there everyone was on lunch break. That was fine until Amanda asked how long till they return and the man said at 3. Wow, that’s a serious lunch break so we decided to scope out the Subway and a local hotel for Amanda’s parents. As we were leaving Posta I got brave and put my bag on my back. Within minutes I felt something like a slash and then swung my hands around my back. Everything felt fine so I continued to walk. Slowly I pulled my bag to the side and then when we were in the clear I examined the bag and sure enough, someone had slashed it. S.O.B.! Can’t complain though because not only did I manage to not loose anything, but I also put the bag on my back. Stupid move and I learned a valuable lesson. I am so cautious when I go to Mwenge at night to teach making sure to only bring 600 shillings and the local phone, but what the hell was I thinking I could walk around Posta with a bag on my back! Anyhow, made it to subway—it smelled delicious, looked like a subway, and was freezing inside. Perhaps that was because we were drenched in sweat or maybe we are just getting used to no AC! Our next stop was the hotel and we looked like we belonged there. After we stalled enough we found our way back to the post office where we could NOT get the package because my name was NOT on the box. I tried but to no avail left empty handed. The box was right in front of my eyes and yet so far and it was Halloween for cripes sakes! Oh well. Stopped at Millimani to get candy and snacks where all the employee’s were probably wondering why all the mzungus were loading up on chocolate! Went home and showered before heading off to find this house where the pastor’s family lives. I was trying to beat the dark, but failed miserably almost giving myself a minor panic attack. I had never been there before, didn’t really know where I was walking too or if I was in the right place, locals walking in the opposite directions were stopping and turning around to talk and follow me, and not to mention I had a large bag stuffed with goodies for the party. My hands were dripping in sweat and I wanted to curl up in a ball and hide, but finally I found the chair and balloons. Big sigh of relief. The house was just as imagined, awesome. It was on a large piece of land with guards, air conditioning, two floors, modern furniture, and much more. I must say though, I prefer our bathroom at home. I seen both of their bathrooms and I am still fonder of ours! Snacks, pedicures, massages (I had my first massage by a Tanzanian in Africa!), games (catch phrase!!), and movies. It was a lot of fun and I was late to the roof party. Everyone there had cars and all night I could only think of how I was going to get back to the university. Someone offered to drop me off with a bahjahjee. The bahjahjee driver wanted me to share it with another local Tanzanian at 11:30 at night. HELL NO. I turned back around and got back in the car. They brought me to the dorms and I found my way to the top of hall 4 with the help of Joe. I had no intentions of drinking, but somehow ended up having a bit to drink. It wasn’t a good thing either. Amanda and I got home, despite the pack of fierce dogs roaming the neighborhood, took a quick pee in the front yard before attempting to wake up someone. That took forever and not to mention mosquitoes were swarming me. Amanda was laughing and I was getting pissed. Why do they love me so much! I seriously feel like a mosquito magnet. I had multiple bites by the time we got inside and a large welt on my back. Argh!

Speaking of mosquito’s, I have been using my net because I have been getting bit relentlessly. My anti-itch tube is near empty. I have two mosquito bites on my forehead because I tried to sleep with my head outside the net. Seriously, my forehead!?! WTF! Two nights ago I was completely under my net and managed to get two bites before I had fallen asleep. I snatched Amanda’s flashlight and about 30 minutes later killed the little shit that was in my net. It just seems inevitable and pretty damn near impossible to avoid the little bastards. Sorry for the language, but I am not happy with the mosquito’s!


I am allergic to Africa or Amanda, can’t figure it out yet. I sneeze often (I literally just sneezed and got the dirty stare from Amanda) and have thought about taking some Sudafed, but I would be taking it daily and something about that doesn’t seem right. Amanda hates my sneezes because they scare her—she jumped a good two feet off her bed tonight when I sneezed. I started laughing and then I got the second degree from her about my sneezing. Apparently if I don’t sneeze twice it throws her off. After first sneeze she is waiting anxiously for next or if I have two sneezes and a third one slips in, she hasn’t prepared herself for that third one. Some of my sneezes are so intense I feel like I could blow down the house with them. I think Amanda should shower more often and that would solve the problem.

I was typing an email last night to KEI when I noticed some mosquito’s flying around trying to be oh so friendly too me. I feel like a walking mosquito magnet and as more rain comes, it will only get worse. I decide I will sit and type under my net instead of using my spray. I only have one bottle left and the worst of the little pests have yet to come, not to mention I switched to taking my malaria pills in the AM which I conveniently forget to take all the time. Go figure. Amanda is peer pressuring me into overdosing, but I think I will pass. Anyways, I got up to use the restroom and came back. I was getting comfy under my net when all of a sudden I was encompassed by a ring, laughing, and asking Amanda for help. Somehow I had managed to pop out the metal wire at the top of my net. How does that happen?! Amanda busted out her sewing kit with a few safety pins and I had some clothespins. We managed to ghetto rig the net for the night and then I had to confront Haika today that I had broken my net. No worries, Haika is magical and she fixed it in minutes! It’s as good as new!

This week has been one of the best weeks in Africa! It started off with OBAMA winning! How awesome is that?!! A bunch of mzungus huddled around a projector in the American Embassy listening to his speech and watching all the live coverage. Found my history professor and I have class Friday. Also managed to hunt down the Piano Man which means I have landed myself in a 1 to 1 piano class. How awesome is that!


Happy Birthday to my one and only FLEA!

To Amanda’s father… Back off!!!! I will post a blog when my lazy ass feels like A) typing and B) bringing my laptop to campus! Joking! I hear lots of great stories about you and thanks for the card in the package. Also, a few weeks ago noticed you had left a message on one of my blogs—thanks! I realized it a bit late! I am typing tonight because you are hassling me, but I haven’t a clue when I will carry my laptop to post this!

So, what does one say when it’s been ages?! Started using my new toothbrush today and my toothpaste is almost gone. My shampoo and conditioner are over halfway empty (Amanda’s on the other hand are basically full to the brim) and my mosquito repellent is gone. All good signs that time is definitely passing. It’s going to be on hell of a last month. So much to do, so little time and I can’t believe I will be home so soon. Speaking of home, Amanda and I cooked a kick ass meal tonight. It was a tad too spicy for the family, but we devoured it! Stir fry, chicken strips, garlic potatoes, and rice. It was the best damn meal I have had since my arrival. Hell yeah!

I am currently in a battle of whether or not I want to take my malaria medicine. First medicine made me crazy and I think the second one creates pain in my chest. One day I am protesting it and refusing to take it and then the next night I am taking the pill. It’s just seems much to risky for me since mosquito’s are so highly attracted to me. Amanda laughs, but if she had the welts on her body like I do mine, it wouldn’t be so funny! She doesn’t even need to put bug spray on, but I on the other hand must remember to bring it with me always! So I can’t decide if I want to fully risk the malaria or keep taking the pills. Decisions…speaking of decisions my indecisiveness drives Amanda wild. Oops!

School has finally started moving along. I have a test in 2 weeks, my history professor is back from Denmark and I have a presentation in that class, drumming is wild, and Amanda and I ruin the entire beat in the class?! Piano has me worried. Yeah, still not sure how I managed to pull that one off, but I thought it was a great idea…until I went to practice yesterday. Holy shit, what was I thinking! I have never played the piano for a grade. It has only been for fun and I am a tad worried what will be expected. I am supposed to meet with him on Tuesday, but it looks like there won’t be class because of the strike. Go figure. My classes start happening a month before I am suppose to leave, only to be postponed until further notice due to a student strike.


Student strike is official. Had no classes yesterday, but I did manage to have a session with the piano professor. He wanted to down grade me a level, but then it’s too easy and I don’t want that. I told him I would practice more. He was impressed with my scales. I got bonus points there and we started chatting about where I was from etc. and found out he had studied a semester in Massachusetts. I guess the Swedes want to leave earlier for Zanzibar and it looks like we will leave tomorrow. Amanda messaged me something along the lines of should we skip class tomorrow if the strike is over. Um, has she forgotten who she was asking that question too!?! I really do have a lot to do for school, but I will worry about that later. Other than that, sorry for such a short, shitty blog! I am getting hell from everyone for not typing…


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